Monday, January 26, 2015

Notes. Part 2

-when dickens wrote, his neighbors would call the cops because he would literally yell and scream and talk in the voice of his characters while creating them 
-"I'm not really writing lyrics, I'm taking notes at this great concert inside my head" 
-dickens was nuts in a good way because he was a creative genius 
-as students we don't get to see the real authors because we are reading to get the lit terms and whatever else out of it. Not the story 
-the person behind the story the characters you encounter and the people you collaborate with 

Great expectations notes

-pip imagines great things will just happen for him
-children think things will happen if we just wish it 
-pip is an orphan and has a strong sense of being unwanted 
-pip questions whether he is wicked or a good person 
-he doesn't really know what normal is. He has grand expectations and many fears
-has no father 
-the names are very significant 
-the fairytale world is interrupted by the real world 
-he meets two sets of representations of fathers along the way 
-joe is about honest day's work for honest days pay 
-Jagger's knows things about people And he uses it to keep people loyal 
-Estella is not a pure person 
-magwitch has created pips expectations 
-pip comes to an understanding that so many things are recycled and if we feel open to ideas then we come back to them 