Thursday, October 23, 2014

Act 2

Act 2 scene 1
-polonius wants Reynaldo to pretend that he knows a lot about laertes so that he can find out more 
-Reynaldo doesn't want to say something that isn't true about laertes and make people think he is worse than he is
-by indirections find directions out 
-polonius is a schemer 

Act 2 scene 2
-uncle sent out arrests for his nephew who now obeys him
-nephew still wants to go against the polish 
-hamlets dad didn't kill the king but he defeated the forces of the king 
-brevity is the soul of wit 
-though this be madness, yet there is method in it 
-hamlet is either gone crazy or acting like he has while talking to polonius about his daughter 
-hamlet was faking when speaking to polonius 
-hamlet is friends with rosencrants and guildenstern 
-for there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so 
-what a piece of work is a man 
-the play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king 
-hamlet feels like a coward because he isn't able to speak up about his problems 
-the more he thinks about how he hasn't killed his uncle the more he beats himself up
-he's really harsh in himself 
-talk is cheap and its action that is required 
-I'll have these players play something like the murder of my father before mine uncle (this is considered the play within a play) 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Hamlet act 1 scenes 3,4&5

Act 1 scene 3 
-Ophelia is laertes's sister 
-laertes is warning his sister to watch out because hamlet is into her and he's intentions are not completely fair 
-Ophelia is going to listen to her brother but she is still going to do kinda what she wants 
-a family of advice givers but full of integrity 

Act 1 scene 4
-the king is having a party and drinking so the other countries think less of him and don't take him seriously 
-something is rotten in the state of Denmark 

Act 1 scene 5 
-the ghost is hamlets dad 
- he's being punished for the bad deeds he did in his life 
-Claudius killed hamlet 
-the queen knows that Claudius killed hamlet because he seduced her before 
-hamlet was sleeping in his orchard when Claudius came and poured poison in his ear 
-when hamlet died he was still in a state of sin 
-it's not for hamlet to punish his mom, he should leave her to her own guilt 
-the ghost told hamlet to get revenge 
-I have sworn't
-there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy 
-the time is out of joint: O cursed spirit, that ever I was born to set it right!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hamlet Act 1 Scene 2

-Hamlet, the king has died recently 
-They are grieving but they need to move on
-Hamlets mom married his uncle who is now the king. 
-"a little more than kin, and less than kind." (Hamlets first statement) 
   ~created situational and dramatic irony 
   ~he meant that his uncle shouldn't call him son and he resents Claudius 
-Hamlet won't let Claudius in 
-visage is a facial expression that hamlet used to say that he wasn't showing what he was feeling 
-the outside doesn't portray what people are feeling on the inside
-calls out people who show that they are grieving for his father but may not be actually feeling any grief 
-hamlet wished that suicide wasn't a sin because he would kill himself because he's so angry because he doesn't want to watch what is happening 
-very angry with his mom 
-hamlet's mom married his uncle within a month of his father dying 
-he sees this as betrayal to him and his dad 
-he thought she would mourn longer if she really loved his dad 
- he was very quick to believe that the ghost of his dad was outside the castle 
-he asked many questions about how the ghost of his dad looked when the guards saw him
-asked only fact based questions 
-honorable and humble towards the servants 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Everything is a remix

- took something already existing and added/changed it to make it something else 
- Thomas Edison "invented the lightbulb", but it was really an improvement in electric lamps; he took an existing design and made it viable 
- copy, transform and combine 
- combinations can give you bigger products fast 
- the internet is the network of networks 
- almost every element of Star Wars is a remix of other cinematography and monomyths 

Guiding questions

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


In the story "Canterbury Tales," the author Chuacer lived in a time period where he had to stay one step smarter then his audience and how the content had to be satirical. Chaucer includes many genres that give a different view on life, different characters, and all the different walks of life and they all tie in with how he felt about his time period and his experiences in life.